Designer. Artist. Boatman. Ski Bum.

Why is mmethod spelled with a second m? I can assure you that it was intentional. Mmethod Design Co. is the creative output of art and design from Everett Meert. It is more than just a catchy name as a placeholder but is a summary of how I can find inspiration as an artist in our ever-changing world.

This whole concept was built in collaboration with other creatives I am constantly inspired by. The Mountain Method is not just a name, it is more of a manifesto simplified into two words.

I like to find inspiration in the aspects of my life that are not directly associated with art or design. Living in the west, I find myself constantly in the mountains and rivers. This epic playground can oftentimes be the provider of inspiration that then is translated into something tangible. Using simple forms and a wide combination of methods, I enjoy creating solutions to design needs in today's world.